News from the Unscripted Self

Welcome back to Soundings.
Must be spring time and the gingerbread people are looking very tasty.
Little break over now. Hope you enjoyed Easter, or Passover or whatever you celebrate, or just enjoy celebrating your life. That’s important too. I love this time of year. There’s something nice about spring. I suppose we get a sense of new beginnings, and new awakenings. You can read my musings on spring in an old post
There’s a certain amount of looking forward to the oncoming summer, making plans. It’s nice.
Some new changes here at the uss, which should be rolling out in a week or two, including a new home page. You’ll see them as they happen. Do feel free to let me know what you think, whether you like them or not. I value all your opinions. All that coming shortly.
Reading Corner
Getting a lot of good feedback from the consciousness series. Added two more instalments to it, the
and just last week
They speak for themselves, but in knowledge I talk a bit about Socrates and Plato. I think there is a lot of great wisdom in the ancient writers, much of which is being rediscovered today. We talk about new age, and new writing, but a lot of that is really very old wisdom, dressed up in a new form. I suppose you could call it ‘old wine in new skins’. A few more in that series to go yet.
Good bit of activity going on this month. Starting off with.
Gillian McNamara is holding another Reiki gathering on Wednesday the 25th April, at 7.30. in the Novara centre, on Strand road, Bray. You can learn all about crystal healing as well as enjoy some lovely
Spirit One Seminars
are hosting a talk by Dr. Mary Helen Hensley on Life Beyond Death in Jury’s Belfast, on Wednesday 18th April. I’ve heard Dr. Hensley speak and she is always very interesting. So if you're in the NI area that might be one to check out. Takes place between 7-10 pm.
There will be a Deeksha blessing on Saturday the 28th of April. It’s kind of an unusual as it will be given through the eyes. I’m looking forward to going to that one myself. It’s in the Lantern centre, in Synge Street. I don’t have too many detail on it yet. You can learn more about
Deeksha here.
My friend Abby Wynne has a new ebook out called Energy Healing for Everyone, which is really great value at only 12 euro. You can also download a free chapter, and start doing healing work on yourself straight away. More details on
Abby’s site.
That's all for now. Enjoy the spring.
Happy reading,
Talk to you all next month.
Birthing the New Consciousness
now available

In this book I examine the nature of reality and propose that everything arises from consciousness. The centrality of mind is given a unique and prominent place in creating your reality. The ebook looks at how your thoughts impact on your life in a way you will not find anywhere else.
Birthing the New Consciousness How your mind creates your reality
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Reality is merely an illusion - albeit a persistent one
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