News from the Unscripted Self
Welcome to the New Beginning

As promised the new changes to the uss are here!
So, welcome to the revitalised unscripted self! I have been slaving away quietly in the background over the past few months getting all the software, etc in place. Working in tandem with my host company SBI, for whom I have nothing but the highest praise. They are marvellous. The purpose for all this work is to make the overall time you spend on the site more enjoyable for you.
I think we all need change every so often in life, whether it’s in our personal life, our work, or our environment. Even just moving the furniture around in your home can stimulate change. Every time we change we open ourselves to new possibilities, new ventures. There is a saying that the universe abhors a vacuum. That means when we clear out old stuff the universe quickly finds something (usually better) to take its place. Likewise, when we rid our mind of the old debilitating thoughts, it finds room for new optimistic, life-affirmative ones.
So what are the new changes you will see?
Well, I changed the colour scheme for starters, favouring a green and brown. I thought the old blue and yellow looked slightly 1970s!
Next I made it bigger. I went for a minimalist header. (I’m into minimalism both in art and design). I also moved the left nav bar to the centre. That’s the brown one where you access all the articles. I made this wider too and got rid of the buttons. I was getting quite frustrated with those as they were too small to contain the full title of some of my articles. For example, my post “What if your best friend is a vampire”, could only be called ‘vampire’ as there wasn’t room on the button for the full title. I didn’t like that. I felt it didn’t offer the reader a real sense of what the article was about. I haven’t finished working on the nav bar yet. I’ll be introducing more little changes over the weeks ahead. Finally, I have a third column to the far right (sounds like a nasty political party!) which has my stuff that I sell on it.
In the main column I made the print a bit bigger. Someone wrote to me a while back and said he loved the uss but thought the print a tad small. A reasonable criticism (normal print always looks smaller when read on a screen). So I made it large. Maybe too large!
Help Please!
I need feedback on this please.
What I’d like you to do is pop over, have a look, and then let me know what you think. This is a work in progress, nothing’s written in stone. I will be tweaking it over the days and weeks ahead. But I do need your help on this. What was the overall impression like? Do you like the colours? What would you like to see different? Do you prefer the nav bar in the middle or to the left where it used to be? How does the print look? Do you find it too big or too small? For those of you who like to print the pages off how does it look when you do that? I’ll adjust accordingly when I get feedback. I’m not adverse to negative criticism. To contact me you can use the contact us form on the web site or you can contact me privately at eoin.meegan@yahoo.com Or you can reach me on facebook. I have a faceboook 'page', also called the unscripted self, so if you’re an fb user log in and access it. When you’re there please Like it (sounds so needy!) and feel free to write something too.
I always say – and still stand over it –that the content is by far the most important thing on any site: and that’s what I concentrate on. But I think the overall look is important too. An ill designed site is like inviting friends over and not bothering to clean the house!
Reading Corner
With all that I only got one new post up this month. It’s
Your Dream World: Clue to Your Awakening,
and it looks at how what we call reality is but another form of dreaming, and the characters in it (including ourselves) are merely projections of the mind. But beware of putting it all down to subjectivity, that’s another trick of the ego-mind. Yes, you are creating it, but not at the level of the conscious mind. This is the penultimate article in the consciousness series. A lot of good new stuff in the offing.
New to the USS
As I said above these changes are ongoing. Another new feature I shall be introducing shortly is Guest Posts. This is where from time to time other writers will write articles for the uss. I think it broadens the site out more and allows for other opinions, thoughts and energy.
Don’t worry I won’t go away completely!!
Distant Healing
Thank you to all who sent distant healing last time to Greece. (And for participating in the feature generally). They seem to have weathered the storm. Your thoughts do make a difference you know.
This month I’d like for us all to send love and kind thoughts to Aung San Suu Kyi the Burmese pro-democracy leader. I saw her when she visited Ireland on Monday last on her European tour. Aung San Suu Kyi spent over 15 years under house arrest. She knows what it is to suffer, and to learn to wait and believe in what she knows to be true to come about. She is a lady of great fortitude and dignity. All she wanted to do was make music but sometimes destiny chooses another path for us. Please send her love for great success in her future and in her country's future.
Pamper yourself with the Reiki Federation Reiki Federation Ireland is delighted to announce that we are running a Charity Event in aid of The Carers Association as part of Carers Week 2012. We are hosting a Pamper Yourself Day in The Conrad Hotel, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2 from 10am to 5pm on Sunday 24th June. There will be a selection of Mini Therapy Treatments available from Reiki & Reflexology to Indian Head Massage, and lots more. We will also have talks on various Complementary Therapies by well known practitioners, along with tips and techniques you can use for Stress Management. There will be a raffle with all proceeds from the event going to The Carers Association. Please come along and support the carers! If you would like to attend please contact Rosemary on 087 9819366 or email membership@reikifederationireland.com
I’ll be at that event myself.
Reiki Gathering with Guillian on Wednesday, June 27 at 7:30pm at The Novara Centre, Strand Road Bray.
Spirit One Seminars
presents Vaishali and Dr. Mary Helen Hensley.
“Two women, two journeys, one truth” in the Royal Marine, Dublin, on wed. June 27, 7pm - 10pm. Sounds interesting.
Also seminars.ie are hosting events in June/July in the Stillorgan Park hotel, Dublin.
That's all for now.
Happy reading,
Talk to you all next month.
Birthing the New Consciousness
now available

In this book I examine the nature of reality and propose that everything arises from consciousness. The centrality of mind is given a unique and prominent place in creating your reality. The ebook looks at how your thoughts impact on your life in a way you will not find anywhere else.
Birthing the New Consciousness How your mind creates your reality
click on icon
Reality is merely an illusion - albeit a persistent one
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