News from the Unscripted Self
The practice of forgiveness is our most important contribution to the healing of the world. -Marianne Williamson.

Om . . . Welcome to 2013.
coincidence – something that happened out of the blue, that seemed to be a fortuitous accident. But did you know that the word actually means when two angles coincide, that is when they fit perfectly? It’s a mathematical term, and has nothing to do with things happening by chance. So, in fact, to co-incide is where there is a perfect harmonious alignment. It’s the way you were meant to live.
Similar thing ‘synchronicities’, people think of them as things outside the normal, freaks of nature almost, like when you dream of someone you haven’t seen for years, and then next day meet them on the street. What do we say, that was a coincidence!
There are many other words in the English language where we sometimes extrapolate, not so much the wrong meaning, but one that doesn’t clearly reveal the perfect truth of the word. We’ll be taking a look at some of these over the coming months.
Here is a story that illustrates this point. It could be seen as ‘merely’ a coincidence. That is until we understand the true meaning of things.
A young woman was walking home one evening taking a short cut through a park to her home. She noticed a suspicious looking man standing near some bushes looking at her in a rather menacing way. She didn’t like the look of him at all, and as it was nearly dark and there weren’t any other people around she felt afraid. However, she remembered to say a quick prayer to her angels to protect her, and hurried on. As she continued out of the park the man kept following her with his eyes but he never tried to interfere. So, long story short, the next day she heard that another woman was viciously attacked the previous night in that same park, and remembering the strange man she thought it best to report the incident to the police. From her description the police recognised the man as a very dangerous psychopath who was only recently released from prison, and they soon apprehended him. In custody he confessed to the assault. Then, out of curiosity, one of the detectives asked had he seen another young lady about twenty minutes earlier in the same park. The man said he did and described her. So why then did he leave her alone? When asked this question he looked at the detective in a puzzled way and replied. ‘How could I when there were two ferocious looking men walking each side of her?
Latest offering on the unscripted self
my take on the nonsense that all the hype was about. When we’re expecting external things and auspicious dates to solve our problems we’re likely to be disappointed. I’m with the two old guys from the Muppets who say,
“Boo! That was the worst apocalypse ever!”

Having a glass to welcome in the new year!
Words of Wisdom
Today is the birthday of Scotland’s famous poet, Robert Burns, known as the Bard. It’s also Burns night in Scotland. I hope to attend a Burns poetry reading myself later this evening. In his short life he left some great poetry full of love and humour and the trials of life. Not easily accessible as he wrote in an ancient Scotch dialect.
Here’s a (very) short extract from a long poem:
But, Mousie, thou art no thy lane [not alone] In proving foresight may be vain! The best-laid schemes o’ mice and men Gang aft a-gley, [awry] And lea’e us nought but grief and pain For promised joy.
And that was addressed to a mouse!
I’ll leave you with this tidbit of wisdom.
With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Look out for new stuff in 2013.
That’s all for now folks.
Take care of each other.
Happy reading,
Talk to you soon.