News from the Unscripted Self
The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the greatest intention, Khalil Gibran.

I said: what about my eyes?
God said: Keep them on the road.
I said: what about my passion?
God said: Keep it burning.
I said: what about my heart?
God said: Tell me what you hold inside it?
I said: pain and sorrow?
He said: ..stay with it.
The wound is the place where the Light enters you.
The woman who believed in angels
There was once a man who didn’t believe in angels. He drove a taxi and one wet evening picked up a woman who asked to be taken to a house in a seedy part of town.
‘I’m going to a meditation meeting there’, she told him making conversation.
'If I were you I’d reconsider. This area has a reputation, you need to be real careful lady, especially at night’.
‘Oh I don’t worry. You see an angel always looks out for me. I’ll be fine'.
The man laughed. What a foolish lady.
‘Mam, I don’t know who filled your head with such nonsense, but I can tell you you won’t meet many angels in this area’.
‘Trust me, an angel will look after me’, she assured him getting out of the taxi.
As he watched her pass through the paint-cracked heavy door into the run-down house the driver shook his head. A nice lady but not very street wise. As business was slack, it being a holiday and most folks were out of town, he thought if he hung around he’d be guaranteed a fare upstate where she said she was from.
She said the meeting wouldn’t last long, and, besides I can’t wait to see the look on her face when she steps out into this crummy neighbourhood and realises her foolishness.
So he pulls over at a discreet distance, gets himself a coffee and waits the short time for the lady to reappear. Sure enough on time the door opens and she emerges again into the cold night. He pulls his cab alongside, ‘hop in Mam’, with a big grin.
‘Nice to see you again’, she replies.
You bet. Things were quiet and I knew you weren’t familiar with the neighbourhood so I hung around. Didn’t want you getting bashed up’, laughs.
‘So what did you do when I was inside’?
‘Just sat and watched’.
‘Told you so’.
Distant Healing
Please send healing to the people of Egypt at this troubled moment, and also to those affected so horrifically in Syria by what appears to be a chemical weapons attack. The world still needs so much healing.
It can start with you.
This Month’s Reading
The allegory of the cave
A rework of Plato’s classic parable. This is, strictly speaking, not part of the Nondual series, however it could be said to be supplemental as it ties in with all that.
Creation by Contemplation
Plotinus was a writer I had previously overlooked, mistakenly writing him off as a commentator on Plato. Thanks to doing the Nondual series I discovered a new friend. It’s uncanny how close his thinking is to my own. Amazing to think for a guy who lived at a time when Christianity was taking off and all kinds of theories were afloat, that he never had need to mention them even once. Perhaps they weren’t as important as we now think!
In a few days I’m off to Spain and can’t tell you how excited I am. Last time I was there was 4 years ago when I did the Camino (yea that's me top of page). I found something about the air invigorating, and of course the people are so friendly and the food is unbeatable. Although I travel quite a bit, other destinations seemed to pull me for some reason or other so I’m long overdue a Spanish return.
I am heading for southern Spain first where I hope to explore the many treasures of Andalucia; I definitely want to take in the Alhambra. I’m stationed in Antequera, kind of a central place. Then I’m going to head up for a few days to Valencia to get the sea, and finally stopover in Barcelona to sample Dali and Gaudi. I heard the night life’s not bad there either!
Will tell you all about it in September’s newsletter.
If you’re a regular reader of the uss, don’t worry, I’ll be back mid September, and will post the final piece of the Nondual series before I go. Getting a lot of really good feedback on that. Didn’t realise how much some people have been moved by it. I am truly humbled.
Remember have compassion for your own wounds too. They are, as Rumi says, how the light gets in.
Talk to you soon.