News from the Unscripted Self
What strikes the oyster shell does not damage the pearl,

scene of Buda castle
Budapest is a beautiful city and so easy to get around if, like me, you love walking. I’m a fanatic! I stayed up beside Vienna Gate near the castle and walked across both Chain bridge and Sisi, into Pest. The Christmas markets there are stunning.
An Aha Moment!
Now I normally have a great sense of direction but one particular morning I went slightly astray. Realising my mistake I was annoyed with myself because I had a few things scheduled for that day, such as climbing Gellert hill, and I don’t like it when I waste time!
One of the things I wanted to do was visit the synagogue. When I arrived there it was exactly 1.30, and to my surprise discovered there were tours every two hours, and one was starting at that moment!
Now had I not gone “astray” in the morning I wouldn’t have made it exactly on time and probably would have missed the tour! The profundity of this really hit me. That if only we could live from that point of surrender – not in a haphazard way, we can still make plans – then everything is taken care of and things happen at their own perfect time.
There is no “astray”.
We just need to allow things to be, stop thinking we have to control every moment. Instead hand it over to the Source, or your Higher Self to guide you and look after the details.
Imagine how perfect life would be, is, then!
At that moment I decided to live my life like that all the time.
By the way the synagogue was very moving, especially the holocaust tree.
Here's a picture.

“Knowing others in intelligence, knowing yourself is true wisdom.
Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power”. Lao Tzu.
This Month’s Reading
Fire in the Dark
a little piece I wrote while on the plane to Budapest.
Holiday Greetings
last post of 2013.
Distant Healing
Syria continues to be the big one. So many children who are suffering needlessly and wondering what the fuck’s going on need our help.
Also don't forget the Philippines. And anyone who's experiencing suffering at this time.
Please send prayers and healing to children everywhere who may be suffering abuse, loneliness or neglect at this time of year.
Remember poverty is a form of abuse!
Thank you for all your support in 2013. You guys are the best. I’m leaving you with a quote from a poet/mystic I’m just mad about, Rumi.
“By day I praised you, and never knew it. By night I stayed with you, and never knew it. I always thought that I was me; but no, I was you and never knew it”.
Look after those you love at Christmastime. Will talk to you again in the New Year.
Take care till then.
Talk to you soon.