The official Newsletter of the-unscripted-self
Welcome back
Bringing Soundings out a bit early this month as I don’t want to clash with Christmas.
This to me is the season of the child.
The myth of the
Divine Child,
coming back into the world, surrounded by the trappings of nature, to heal that very world, is, I feel a singularly powerful symbolic message. It is an ever reminder that renewal and redemption are always available to us, and that, whatever life throws at us, there is something greater there to lift us above the ordinariness. The myth predates Christianity and many ancient Pagan rites celebrated it.
To me the child at Christmas represents this inner rebirth.
It is in this spirit that I want to share with you a poem by one of my favourite poets, Patrick Kavanagh. It’s called Christmas Carol 1942.
Christmas Carol 1942
Sing of the Childhood
That renews in our eyes
Beauty grown tired.
Tonight is inspired,
Land, sea and skies
With a Childhood surprise.
Sing of the Childhood
That renews in the heart
Of the hopeless hope’s cheer;
Year after year
Giving a fresh start
Where Sin’s goalers depart.
Sing of the Childhood
That renews for us all -
Banker or farmer
Or soldier in armour –
The laugh of the soul.
Sing the Child in the Stall.
One of my abiding childhood memories of Christmas morning was opening presents, dizzy with excitement to see what I got. Somewhere along the way I think we picked up the idea that the state of our happiness was measured by the things we had. The current commercialisation of Christmas is testimony to that idea having prevailed. However, that shouldn’t spoil the true meaning of Christmas or that, above all else, it is a time for children and for them to be happy.
What does Christmas mean for you?
Recent activity on the USS
If it feels as if you’ve spent the last two weeks on one shopping binge then you may resonate with
Impulse Shopping,
which explores our addiction to shopping and spending money. Also new this month, and continuing the series Voices Unscripted you can check out my interview with the delightful
Ali Luke
Ali Luke unscripted.
And now for an apology. Last month I mentioned
Conscious Living in 5 Easy Steps,
which I wrote for The Change Blog but as you all discovered the link didn’t work. My bad! I’ve corrected that here, so hope everything’s working now. As I said last time when you’re on The Change Blog have a nose around at some of the other articles there.
New to the unscripted self
Ailani Therapy have lots of workshops happening in December and January including Daleth Group Breathwork, Reiki 1 Workshops and Tibetan Sound Healing. And if you missed Manifesting Your Dreams Workshop last month you can catch it again on January 7th at the Marino Institute. For full details see
I mentioned last time that I would be giving a workshop in association with Ailani Therapy. It will happen next February. I will give you more details in January’s edition of Soundings.
Distant healing
Please remember those who are homeless this season when family and comradeship are so important. In your thoughts and prayers, but also see if you can take some action to reach out to them. Assist on a soup run or give money, whatever your heart tells you to do.
So, all that remains is to thank you for your continued support for Soundings and the USS throughout the year, it really is appreciated. And to wish you and yours the Joy and Peace that this season is meant to bring. Wherever you are enjoy it, and welcome the Divine in whatever way feels right for you.
There will be some changes to Soundings in the New Year, but will tell you about them next time. Look after yourselves.
Happy reading,
Soundings will appear once a month.
Birthing the New Consciousness
now available

In this book I examine the nature of reality and propose that everything arises from consciousness. The centrality of mind is given a unique and prominent place in creating your reality. The ebook looks at how your thoughts impact on your life in a way you will not find anywhere else.
Birthing the New Consciousness How your mind creates your reality
click on icon
Reality is merely an illusion - albeit a persistent one
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