News from the Unscripted Self

And welcome to 2012. At last it’s here, the year everyone’s been talking about for so long now. Remember the Harmonic Convergence? Remember the Magnetic Pole Reversal and all that? Remember Woodstock?
Ok. To be serious. Or not. For my take on all that I refer you to the
Mayan Calendar.
Certainly there is a different energy or “feel” to this year. It’s as if the world is being prepared for something, what with economic belly-ups, natural disasters, shifts of power in the Arab world, and so on. I know for me, personally, 2011 was like a year of preparation; there were so many closures in my life, people I had known for a long time suddenly moving away, and, of course an unprecedented amount of deaths in my family. Like the way was being cleared for something new, something big. I don’t see it at all as negative. I welcome it.
The real change is the shift in consciousness that is happening across the globe right now. That is palpable. And I believe it’s going to get even bigger.
New changes to Soundings too. These shall evolve over the coming months. Starting with a new colour scheme. Hope you like it.
A new idea.
Have you ever considered keeping a gratitude journal? What it is, simply, is this. You write down 5 things every night (more if you want) that you are grateful for that day. It can be anything, just meeting an old friend for coffee. Pick out the ‘golden moments’ in each day. The trick is the more you do, the more good stuff you’ll remember. The real magic then is your mind starts actively, unconsciously, looking for really good things to happen to you each day. Imagine the potential in that.
I got an actual 2012 diary (an ordinary notebook will do) and started on January 1st. Some of the things I wrote down so far were; spotting a beautiful sunset one day out walking (one of those orange winter suns on a very dry, cold day). Another was enjoying delicious hot soup I made myself, receiving a lovely email out of the blue from a new friend in Australia, not having to queue at the mall for coffee when I desperately needed one (usually the queue’s a mile long), listening to the wind howling outside while wrapped up snug in bed at night (yea, funny one!) Dropping 4 lbs since Christmas, getting answers to important questions I asked from my Higher Self during meditation, stumbling upon the gorgeous Deva Premal (a track I hadn’t heard in a long time).
When we start to notice, and really appreciate the little things in life, we become aware of the tiny miracles that each day brings. If you haven’t started yet it’s not too late.
Reading Corner
My first post of 2012 has just gone out. It’s called
and discusses an art that’s older than Zen and Yoga put together. Of course since time immemorial it’s been associated with sex, but there’s more to tantra than sex, as you can read at your leisure. And, just to put it on the record, I’m not a tantra master!
I’m delighted to announce that Thich Nhat Hanh is coming to Dublin on April 11th. He is the Vietnamese Buddhist monk who was probably the first to bring Mindfulness to the West. It should be a very interesting talk. Looking forward to that one. For more information go to
You all know I love Reiki, and my friend Gillian McNamara is giving a Reiki 1 workshop on 28th and the 29th of January. If you’re new give yourself a treat and you will definitely see change this year. For full details visit Gillian’s
Reiki for the Soul.
I will be giving my own workshop on March 3rd, called “Life Scripts: Getting Free from the False Stories we create about Ourselves.” It deals with scripts or programs we pick up as children and how to free ourselves of them. Watch out for more details on this in the weeks ahead.
Also for a list of upcoming events at Ailani Therapy see
Distant Healing Request
Please send loving thoughts to those still missing relatives on the Costa Concordia. I don’t know what happened there, it’s quite upset me though. Picture everyone receiving peace and healing. And thanks to all of you who participate in the distant healing. You may not think it but every time you do it helps a lot. Peace to you all throughout this year.
So it’s here - 2012. Happy New Year. And I don’t do New Year’s resolutions!
Happy reading,
Talk to you all next month.
Birthing the New Consciousness
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In this book I examine the nature of reality and propose that everything arises from consciousness. The centrality of mind is given a unique and prominent place in creating your reality. The ebook looks at how your thoughts impact on your life in a way you will not find anywhere else.
Birthing the New Consciousness How your mind creates your reality
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Reality is merely an illusion - albeit a persistent one
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